Scheduling Author-Journalist Harvey Kubernik, One of America's Most Credible and In-demand Pop Music Historians
Harvey Kubernik Books and Music profiles for Spring 2016.
Otherworld Cottage Industries
April 04, 2016 -
Otherworld Cottage Industries Increases Its Bandwidth By 150% To Provide Swift And Uninterrupted Access To Its Website
The Otherworld Cottage Industries website increased its bandwidth to accommodate growing visitor traffic.
Otherworld Cottage Industries
March 11, 2016 -
71-Year-Old Hollywood Entrepreneur Travis Edward Pike Is Rocking The Indy Music And Book Publishing Scene
In less than three years, Travis Edward Pike's Otherworld Cottage Industries published two books, two spoken word cds, five music cds, and a documentary dvd.
Otherworld Cottage Industries
February 24, 2016 -
Otherworld Cottage Posts 7-Part Harvey Kubernik - Travis Edward Pike Audio Interview for Fans and Bloggers
Otherworld Cottage delivers on its pledge to post the Harvey Kubernik - Travis Edward Pike "Odd Tales and Wonders," 7-part audio interview online.
Otherworld Cottage Industries
February 08, 2016 -
Otherworld Cottage Industries schedules Travis Edward Pike's New Album, "Outside the Box" for Spring Release
Announcing the Spring, 2016 release of Travis Edward Pike's new album, "Outside the Box," to be published by Morningstone Music, released through Otherworld Cottage Industries and distributed by CD Baby.
Otherworld Cottage Industries
January 11, 2016