New Internet Marketing System for Shoestring Enterprises

June 28, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Can small business survive and prosper on the Web in 2005?

Is the World Wide Web still a financial frontier for the "little guy", or are low-budget and "shoestring" operations being squeezed out of the internet marketing game by the prohibitive cost of online advertising?

The answer to their marketing problems may have arrived.

A new marketing system, called Dixam Marketing Strategies, became recently available for small-budget/small-ticket netpreneurs from veteran online entrepreneur and marketing consultant, Gabe Bartha. According to him,

"During the year 2004, conventional methods of online advertising became either unaffordable, or inaccessible for the small-budget operator."

The solution, offered by Gabe Bartha, is unusual, to say the least. Its principles are contrary to almost all established online marketing dogmas. As a matter of fact, he calls his information about Dixam, presented in his online eBooks, "dogma busting". His information products and graphic tools represent an entirely new approach to internet marketing,
designed primarily for shoestring operations, and avoiding all forms of paid advertising.

Bartha argues that quietly, without a fanfare, an era came to its end for small netpreneurs, and if they don't learn how to use new, more effective marketing strategies, their kind will disappear from the Web without a trace.

The good news, he states, is that the internet still offers the opportunities of an open frontier to the "little guy", as long as he or she learns promotional methods more suited to the Web and to a shoestring operation than conventional paid promotion. This is, where Dixam comes to the rescue.

If you visit their website, the first thing that comes to your attention is, what Gabe calls "a truckload" of free products, some of them even with master resell rights.
The remarkable thing about these free items is that they are not "viral" promotional tools for Dixam, but genuine marketing tools. These products are not available
anywhere else on the Web. Particularly interesting is a collection of Editable Fields/Turning Page eBook templates (152 templates, free of charge), where the end user can insert his/her text & images into a fully functional turning-page eBook template without the use of any software. Another unusual product line consists of animated eBook covers. Dixam's strategic information products, presented as the Dixam Library of Marketing Strategies, introduce marketing concepts and ideas
never before published anywhere.

If you are operating a small-budget/small-ticket online business, and you got that "sinking" feeling, you may want to pay a visit to

Most likely, you'll find it a fascinating place.