Baby Swags Launches the Newest Addition, the Baby Swags Blog.
August 23, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Baby Swags is a public relations and marketing firm that specializes in promoting work at home mom products, and/or mom inspired inventions and turns them into the newest must have's for all new parents. This is done through celebrity gifting, which provides each participating company the 'buzz' that is needed to bring their products into the public eye.The Baby Swags Blog ( is another way to help promote the products that their work at home moms create. Before each company can participate in their swag bags, or in this case, baskets, they are required to submit a product for review. When a product is received, the Baby Swags team goes into action by carefully inspecting the product. The team, which is made up of other work at home moms will look for uniqueness, quality, durability, and pricing. Baby Swags needs to know that the submitted product will be a match with the Baby Swags image. If the product is a match, it will be given a thumbs up and will be written up on the Baby Swags Blog for all to see. It is a perfect way to show off those knitted baby booties or the newest mom-invented product.
"I have come in contact with many baby products and products for pregnancy over the course of the last year and it only seemed right for Baby Swags to enter the blogging world," states Baby Swags founder and Baby Swags Blog editor, Phyllis Pometta. "My main mission when starting Baby Swags was to help promote work at home mom products and if simply writing about them gives them the upper hand in this business, then I will do just that," she adds, "After all, I too, am a mompreneur; which helps me to understand their needs."
On the Baby Swags Blog you will be able to learn about industry news, share home based business tips, see what celebrities have been gifted and what products were submitted, see what celebrities have replied, client feedback and testimonials, learn about the different charity events that Baby Swags will donate basket to, see the latest Must Have's as well as all the wonderful, unique products that were given the thumbs up. Entrepreneurial women will also be able to advertise their businesses, so if you are the owner of an online boutique, this may be the perfect pairing to obtain publicity and draw attention to your own business.
"Baby Swags Blog will be jam packed full of useful information that is needed to help any work at home mom, or entrepreneurial woman yo get their products into the hands of little starlets." Pometta states, "Your baby deserves the best products and there is no greater way to show support for fellow moms than to purchase a mom made, inspired or invented product."
About Baby Swags:
Phyllis Pometta is rapidly becoming the "go to" work at home mom for spotting new trends in baby wear, baby accessories and baby decor by bringing them into the public eye. For more information on how your product can be included in celebrity gift baskets, visit Baby Swags at Phyllis Pometta is available for interviews for print, radio and television. You can visit Baby Swags on the web at and view the Baby Swags Blog at