Dermatologists and Pathologists Assemble for In-Depth Training on Confocal Diagnostic Imaging Interpretation

July 27, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
July 27, 2007 – More than two dozen dermatologists and pathologists assembled in New York City for the first in a series of in-depth courses to train future diagnostic readers on the interpretation of in-vivo confocal images of pigmented lesions.

Led by one of the world’s leading in-vivo confocal imaging medical researchers, Dr. Giovanni Pellacani from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Modena, Italy, the course was hosted by Lucid, Inc. (, developer of the VivaScope confocal imagers and the VivaNet™ telemedicine information system.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to educate confocal diagnostic readers. This educational process is a critical step if the dermatology community is to adopt in-vivo confocal imaging for widespread use in skin cancer screening,” commented Dr. Pellacani.

“Dr. Pellacani’s course topics ranged from an overview of confocal imaging technology to the technology’s application in the diagnostic imaging of pigmented lesions and melanomas,” said Jay Eastman, Ph.D., chairman and CEO of Lucid, Inc. He continued, “Dr. Pellacani’s course in New York was a day and a half of intensive introduction to diagnostic reading of in-vivo confocal images. Due to the enthusiasm and interest of the participants for further training, we are now working with Dr. Pellacani to formulate an advanced readers course to be held in the fall in Modena, Italy.”

Lucid’s non-invasive VivaScope® confocal microscopes provide cellular resolution images of skin that may be used by a physician to assist in forming a clinical judgment for a variety of skin conditions. Lucid’s VivaNet™ , a HIPAA compliant DICOM-Network, is intended to provide fast, accurate, and secure storage, retrieval and transfer of VivaScope® digital cellular resolution images across the Internet to facilitate professional collaboration and consultation between the attending physician and confocal diagnostic readers.

During a typical VivaScope® imaging session, both dermatoscopic quality, full color macroscopic pictures and microscopic, cellular resolution images of the patient’s skin are imaged. Once all of the images for a single session are completed, the images and patient related data are transferred for storage to the secure VivaNetTM server and are immediately available for retrieval by and transfer to authorized diagnostic readers for their review and collaboration with the attending physician.

For information on Lucid’s continuing series of courses and educational sessions, VivaScope® or VivaNetTM technology, contact Lucid by phone at 585-239-9800, by email at, or on the web at

About Lucid Inc.

Lucid Inc., based in Rochester, New York, USA, is a medical device and information company dedicated to creating innovative cellular imaging technology and using the Internet to securely deliver accurate, real-time VivaScope® cellular resolution images to medical professionals. When coupled with its digital VivaNetTM system, the company’s ability to image in-vivo (living) tissue will aid medical practitioners and pathologists in skin cancer screening with clarity, speed and patient comfort.

For more information about Lucid Inc., visit

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