July 27, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Media News
Two six year old twins are the inspiration behind the latest internet phenomenon – a brand new web based game involving an online treasure hunt, race to complete a virtual jigsaw and a $1,000,000 prize. The Golden Jigsaw looks set to be the next addictive web craze and launches on the 20th July. The idea which arose from the twins’ father watching the children, Aurelia and Lucian , piece together puzzles on their computer screen at home and has subsequently evolved over six months to become an internet craze. An online teaser campaign kicked off in June and initial response indicates that it has caught on virally and after launch on the 20th July will become the next internet game phenomenon.
The Golden Jigsaw is believed to be the first online jigsaw where pieces are purchased by advertisers and placed in their site as code. Web users that sign up to ‘play’ the jigsaw game must scour participating websites for the pieces - and the participant that finishes the jigsaw by collecting and placing all 1,000 pieces first will win the financial prize of $1,000,000.
Users sign up to play the game at, where they download a ‘jig-board’ to their desktop in order to begin playing. The Golden Jigsaw will release a steady stream of clues as to the potential location of jigsaw pieces throughout the duration of the game and, once users have located a new piece, they simply drag and drop it onto their jig-board to allow them to position it correctly at their convenience.
Julian Hanford, creator of the Golden Jigsaw project, and father to Aurelia and Lucian , commented:
“The thing about jigsaws is that you just have to finish them, once you’ve started. They’re so addictive. And because you have to hunt for the pieces across the internet, you will get to visit sites you may never have known existed. Sadly Bug’n’Lou (the twins’ nicknames) are not able to take part as participants have to be 18 or over, but they can be found in their own video clips online at Youtube and Myspace, showing the world how to play the game.”
The project is likely to last between six and eight months, depending upon the speed at which clues are issued. The site launched to advertisers in early June and will fully launch to web users on July 20th 2007.
For more information, visit
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About The Golden Jigsaw
The Golden Jigsaw is the first concept brought to market by idea creation and implementation specialist Infinite Ideation Limited. It represents a world first for the online advertising industry, with web users required to search participating advertisers’ sites as part of an innovative marketing business. Web users that sign up to ‘play’ the jigsaw game must scour participating websites for the pieces - and the participant that finishes the jigsaw by collecting and placing all 1,000 pieces first will win $1m. Users sign up to play the game at, where they download a ‘jig-board’ to their desktop in order to begin playing. The Golden Jigsaw will release a steady stream of clues as to the potential location of jigsaw pieces throughout the duration of the game and, once users have located a new piece, they simply drag and drop it onto their jig-board to allow them to position it correctly at their convenience. The project is likely to last between six and eight months, depending upon the speed at which clues are issued. The pieces will increase in price to advertisers as the project develops, with the initial pieces on sale for $120 (approx £60) each then rising progressively. The final pieces estimated to sell for $11,700 (approx. £5,800) each. The site will launch to advertisers in early June and will fully launch to web users on July 20th 2007.
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Punch Communications
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