Anthony Pierpont’s New Venture: State of the Art Silk Screening

July 22, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Anthony Pierpont and Michaels Silk screening and Victory Designs Team up for an explosion of new creativity and new approach to the industry.

Anthony Pierpont and Mike Dietart have combined to form A&M Silk Screening. A&M combines the design prowess of state of the art Computer graphics and Photoshop design to unleash a new one-stop shop approach for those companies, groups and individuals who need a new no nonsense approach to silk screening. Their form of silk screening gets designs printed on all forms of clothing.

Clients can describe what they want and in days have multi samples rendered by a team of artists from all over the world. State of the art computer generated graphics and color separation using spot processes allow Victory Designs the ability to offer its clients an eye opening, high quality and truly amazing new approach to the design and production original design work and mass produced original art on clothing. A&M and Victory Designs have truly amazed the industry in the past and promise to deliver new ideas to the industry and continue to attract and grow their high end worldwide client base that includes rock bands and professional athletes, such as boxers and racecar racers.

For more information, please contact Anthony Pierpont at or visit him at: