Tutor Referral Service Tutorz is Proud To Announce it's First Year Anniversary
July 18, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Education News
Port Hueneme, California, July 18th, 2007 —PR Leap— This weekend employees, tutors, teachers, parents, and students attended the Tutorz first year anniversary showcasing growth and new site features.It was another positive step forward for Tutorz, celebrating the end of their first year employees gathered to study progress and absorb information pertaining to goals for the future. At the beach side home of Tutorz in quaint Port Hueneme, California staff enjoyed a brief company presentation that focused on Tutorz' site functionality and promising usage statistics. Following the presentation guests enjoyed a walk on the beautiful Port Hueneme pier, a brief photography session, and a wonderfully prepared feast to round out an educational evening.
Dirk Wagner, CEO of Tutorz, spoke on the company's progress, its future milestones and the impact it makes on helping parents and students to find reputable tutors. Mr. Wagner highlights Tutorz' success in saying: "In one short year Tutorz' has become the largest tutor referral site on the web indexing well over 10,000 tutors nationwide." Each of the 10,0000+ tutors listed on the site have their own tutor profile in which they provide the subject they tutor (e.g. math, English, science) and area they service (e.g. Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco). Company progress for the months of June and July were especially promising due to a recent surge in efforts by the Tutorz' marketing and advertising departments. In that time-frame the site well over 100 students, parents and tutors visited the site in a day resulting in almost 4000 searches per month.
Site functionality was also addressed and guests were given a brief tutorial on how to utilize the site to find the tutor needed in their area or register and create a tutor profile. Complementing functionality, new illustrations on the site, which depict the type of tutor, were a well received new aesthetic feature mentioned during the presentation. The illustrations are unique avatars included in each individual tutor profile, one of the most notable is the Ph. D avatar which is characterized by the black and red cap and gown. Other avatars included depictions of English, math, and science tutors these also featured unique characteristics to convey the tutors professional field of study.
The celebration marking Tutorz first year anniversary was a proud moment for those involved in the companies development and successes and it provided some guests with a new resource for finding a tutor in their area. In addition, the celebration was a casual, fun, and educational experience for all in attendance.
Visit Tutorz on the world wide web, for homework and test preparation help search for a tutor in your area, or fill out a tutor profile and start tutoring your favorite subject today.
For additional information on Tutorz First Year Anniversary, contact Bryan McNutt by email at bryan@tutorz.com or visit www.tutorz.com.
ABOUT Tutorz - Tutorz was established in July 14th 2006 by Dirk Wagner, Sameer Saproo, and Erik Olsson. Tutorz.com helps parents and students find educational tutors in their area with it's vertical search engine. Based out of Port Hueneme, CA Tutorz is a privately owned limited liability corporation (LLC) with four employees. The Tutorz.com site maintains an index of over 10,000 tutors nationwide.