Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) joins the Learning Leaders Forum™ as eePulse, Inc. Alliance Partner
May 31, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
eePulse, Inc.,, announced today that the Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business joined the Learning Leaders Forum™(LLF). The LLF is a consortium of organizations and scientists delivering world-class research and executive learning through real-time research. CEO is a premier, university-based research group whose corporate sponsors include Cisco Systems, Hewlett Packard Co., Gap, Inc., Microsoft, Motorola, PepsiCo, and Walt Disney Company. CEO’s strong tradition in research focuses on current business issues and provides great synergy for the LLF. According to Dr. Edward Lawler, CEO’s Director, “the LLF compliments CEO’s tradition of innovation and deep strategic connections with our sponsor organizations.”
The LLF is a membership-based program. Members agree to participate in short, eePulse surveys of specific workgroups, where the data are designed to provide input into the executive-learning process. The interactive approach to surveys, dialogue, research and learning is unique among any other type of network or membership-based programs. The inclusion of prestigious faculty members, working with managers on real-time problems, and using proprietary metrics and technology that enable the frequent process, are unprecedented in the executive-learning or knowledge-management markets.
CEO is working with eePulse on two different LLF programs. The first is the Executive LLF, which is focused on meeting the needs of senior executives for faster and better information. The second, called the Human Resource LLF, is geared to help senior HR executives in global organizations manage the challenges of their own HR departments.
By collecting frequent data from key stakeholders groups, CEO and eePulse will work together to provide in-depth research, case studies based on real-time data and competitive advantage through cutting-edge knowledge. CEO and eePulse will team with other LLF partners to provide executive education programs, briefing sessions conducted via the web, published manuscripts of findings and networking events for members.
The CEO and eePulse team are working on two key research streams. The first is diversity in the senior management team, with a focus on ways to improve retention of senior executive women. And the second is on how to drive innovation that leads to new business, sustained business growth, and the development of organizational agility.
Dr. John Boudreau, CEO Professor and Research Director, states, “the collaboration with eePulse provides a new way to build on CEO’s proven capability for rigorous and relevant research on vital strategic issues.”
About eePulse, Inc.
eePulse, Inc. delivers technology and research-consulting services that support Data and Dialogue Driven Leadership™ processes. Using eePulse’s proprietary, web-based enterprise-wide software suite called Measurecom™ (measurement and communication), organizations and leaders immediately improve their performance. Productivity enhancement comes from action taken in response to real-time stakeholder information. Using Pulse Survey and Pulse Reporting engines, data are provided as frequently as weekly so that immediate action can be taken to act on “breaking news.” Managers solve problems and pursue opportunities today, improving quality, enhancing customer service, realigning strategy, and improving organizational agility, learning and performance at all levels. The complete Measurecom product suite includes Pulse surveys, Pulse Reports, Communicate-back tools, Issue tracking, Action planning, Learning modules, Proprietary metrics such as Energy Pulse, Suggestion Pulse, and ChangeStep Pulse, in addition to ROI analysis and reporting. For additional information, please call 877-377-8573 or visit
About the Center for Effective Organizations, USC, Marshall School of Business
Since its founding in 1979, the Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) has conducted cutting-edge research on a broad range of organizational issues. The leading university-based, organization effectiveness research center, CEO has from its inception conducted research that influences how organizations are managed while also making important contributions to academic research and theory. The Center for Effective Organization's pioneering research in the areas of organizational design and effectiveness has earned it an international reputation for research that bridges the gap between academic theory and management practice.
CEO actively involves corporations in developing new and useful knowledge about how organizations can be more effective in highly competitive environments. In order to carry out this research, the Center is staffed by researchers who are leading scholars in their respective fields. Results from Center research projects are reported and published in many leading business publications and academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Business Week, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, Industry Week, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Members of the Center also have published over 30 books that are based on their research. CEO's cutting-edge research on important business issues places it at the forefront of developments concerning organizational effectiveness and business management.
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