Researchers to Examine the Future of Love, Romance, and Sex at Futurist Conference

July 11, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
With a clearer understanding of how the human brain operates, we will be able to anticipate ways in which family life will change (and not change) in the coming decades, according to Helen Fisher, author of Why We Love: the Nature and Chemistry of Romance. Fisher will present her ideas on "The Future of Family, Lust, Romance, and Attachment" at the annual conference of the World Future Society, 7 PM, the Hilton Minneapolis, July 29.

Fisher's talk will explore the chemical and biological roots of love at first sight, abandonment rage, "hooking up," and other behaviors associated with courtship and how technology and pharmacology may change love in our ever more technological future.

"Serotonin-enhancing antidepressants and other medical and technological innovations can jeopardize the sex drive, romantic love, and long-term attachment," says Fisher.

This year's World Future Society conference, WorldFuture 2007: Fostering Hope and Vision for the 21st Century, will feature nearly 100 sessions and presentations on such topics as education, health, biotechnology, security and terrorism, and environmental stewardship.

Founded in 1966 as a nonprofit educational and scientific organization in Washington, D.C., the World Future Society has some 25,000 members in more than eighty countries around the world. Individuals and groups from all nations are eligible to join the Society and participate in its programs and activities.

The Society holds a two-day, international conference once a year where participants discuss foresight techniques and global trends that are influencing the future. Other presenters at this year's conference include Gregory Stock of the UCLA School of Public Health; economist and government adviser Tor Dahl; Nat Irvin II of Wake Forest University; and dozens more from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, MIT, eBay, the Inter-American Development Bank and others.

Registration for the conference is $600.
For information about WorldFuture 2007, contact the World Future Society at 1-301-656-8274 or e-mail director of communications Patrick Tucker or Susan Echard, vice president of membership and conference operations, or check the World Future Society's Web site