Spring Savings on Must-Have Palm OS Apps

May 26, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
For Immediate Release

DictionaryToGo, ThesaurusToGo and World EncyclopediaToGo get a 32% price cut-off all throughout May 2005.

Spring Savings on LearningToGo Palm Apps

LearningToGo (www.learningtogo.com), one of the leading software developers for PDA, announced today its Spring Supah Sale featuring three of its widely-used Palm OS products at knock-off prices. Leading the list is DictionaryToGo for Palm version 2.0, winner of the Handango People’s Choice Award.

DictionaryToGo for Palm is integrated with 145,000 entries, complete with synonyms, multi-definitions, pronunciation and a Word of the Day feature. The new dictionary format used in this version provides a well-compressed and much improved structure for a faster access time. It is also packed with all the essential features including History, Bookmarks, Clipboard, and Hyperlink.

DictionaryToGo’s popularity can be attributed to its competitive price, friendly interface and the reliability of the lexical reference system. With the company consistently pushing excellence a notch higher, the application gets constant enhancements from its developers. Registered users are given unlimited free upgrades and 24/7 customer support.

With over 27,500 facts in 127 information categories, the World EncyclopediaToGo for Palm version 2.0 has the largest and most current database of world facts. It contains the demographics, geographical location, government, economy and military capacity of more than 260 countries and territories in the world. The WETG v2.0 is loaded with full-color, high-resolution maps and flags in a single compressed data file.

The World EncyclopediaToGo is so fully optimized for fast searching and loading, it allows users to bookmark up to 30,000 entries and save History data in between application launches. The History and Bookmark storage limit can be customized to suit individual preferences. The built-in online help system is another notable feature added, totally distinguishing this new version from the earlier ones. There will be no need for users to review the product manual, or send problems to customer support. You can access the help system from within the application, and get instructions and solutions to commonly made errors instantly.

Though ThesaurusToGo for Palm version 2.0 has over 145,000 English entries, word lookup is done in a matter of seconds. This is made possible by its intuitive search process, which optimizes for fast searches. In addition, the application allows for a direct lookup for a definition of a word within the defined word. A favourite among students, ThesaurusToGo is also packed with user-friendly features such as Bookmark, Clipboard and History.

For more information on LearningToGo’s Spring Supah Sale, please visit their website at www.learningtogo.com.

About LearningToGo
LearningToGo.com is the leading developer of award-winning software for PDA devices and Desktop PCs. Positioning itself at the forefront of the mobile revolution, it continuously creates breakthrough applications that support e-learning and the 21st century lifestyle.

LearningToGo is the name behind these best-selling apps: DictionaryToGo (Palm OS, Pocket PC and Desktop), ThesaurusToGo (Palm OS), World EncyclopediaToGo (Palm OS and Pocket PC), BibleToGo (Palm OS), ChessToGo (Palm OS), ElementsToGo (Palm OS), ConversionsToGo (Palm OS), LockScreen (Pocket PC) ThemesToGo (Pocket PC), VideosToGo (Palm OS & Pocket PC) and EbooksToGo (Palm OS & Pocket PC). For more details, please visit www.learningtogo.com.

Vanessa M. Teves