March 26, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Rochester, New York (March 26, 2007) - eBaum's World has formed a partnership with Dennis Digital’s Maxim.com, establishing a strategic content exchange between the two Web sites. eBaum’s World and Maxim.com both reach the sought after, tech-savvy, young male audience, making the content partnership a natural fit.This partnership brings the tremendous online video presence of eBaum's World to Maxim.com’s rapidly expanding video catalog. Both classic and new videos from eBaum's World will augment Maxim.com’s existing collection of clips available at http://www.maxim.com/video. Additionally, Maxim.com will provide daily photo content to eBaum's World. The content will be housed in the picture section of the Web site and can also be found at http://ebaumsworld.com/maxim/.
“As always, we are looking to provide our users with new content,” said Mike Parker, lead project coordinator for eBaum’s World Inc. “This partnership with Maxim.com is a great way to provide new content from one of the largest men’s entertainment Web sites around. It also allows us to share our extremely popular content with a new group of users who may not have seen our videos otherwise.”
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About eBaum’s World Inc.
Headquartered in Rochester, New York, eBaum’s World is one of the Internet’s premier online entertainment sites, offering exclusive content including video, games, jokes, photos, and more. Launched in 1998, eBaum’s World has become an international phenomenon with over 10 million unique visitors per month. More information on eBaum’s World can be found at http://www.eBaumsWorld.com.
Mike Parker
eBaum’s World, Inc.