Becoro™ Imports Announces Premier Import of Lithuanian Verba to the U.S. Craft, Decor and Gift Market.
April 26, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Bethesda, MD - April 26, 2005With the inclusion of many eastern and central European countries in the European
Union and NATO, many in the western world readily understood the benefits that they
could offer to these small developing nations. However, most failed to realize what these small historic nations could offer to us. In the Baltic nation of Lithuania, beautiful handicrafts called Verba are still being made the same way that they were hundreds of years ago when straw, colorful dried flowers and grasses were all they had to stave off the doldrums of long, harsh winters. Becoro™ Imports is proud to announce the introduction of this natural handcrafted tradition to the U.S. craft, decor and design market.
Verba are unique to the capital city region of Lithuania, and are intricately crafted from the flowers, twigs and stems of over 45 various kinds of meadow grasses, mosses, berry greens, flowers, rye and other plants gathered during the different seasons and then dried and stored until it is time to use them. The grasses and plants are crafted into a variety of shapes such as wreaths, hearts and most recently bird feathers, a nod to the abundance of bird species populating the landscapes of Lithuania. Verba arrangements are made with a tree branch, and thread holds the plants and flowers in place. Verba can be made from four inches to four feet in length, and the colors cover a very broad spectrum, from natural earth tones to vibrant pinks and greens. Many people believe that the plants used to craft verba have mystical properties, and a living springtime tradition throughout Lithuania is to playfully strike each other with verba to ensure good health, prosperity and vitality during the year. These verba are then kept in vases or tall woven baskets as colorful home decorations. This is a cultural art form unlike anything readily available in the United States today.
For additional information, pictures, samples or presentations, contact: Rokas Beresniovas at 1-202-250-1881.
Products are available at wholesale for retail customers and online for general purchase.
Rokas Beresniovas
Becoro™ Imports
PO Box 34163
Bethesda MD 20827