Catalpa Tree Seed Company- offering heirloom and organic quality seeds to the home and hobby grower!
March 23, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Catalpa Tree Seed Company – Where excellence in advancing the industry is cultivated with superior standards, impressive principles and terrific technology Catalpa Tree Seed Company, the Internet’s premier and essential seed source, offers all seed in custom quantities ranging from single packages and multiple pounds up to large–scale growing/farming quantities as a specialty. The Catalpa Tree Seed Company Seed Sourcer™ service can locate sources for any type of seed– tree, organic, vegetable, and heirloom. The Seed Sourcer™ is a one of a kind service that allows anyone to locate the seed that they need from all over the world. The feature is free to use for anyone that is searching for seed of any type. Undoubtedly, the proper seed and proper quantity are always matched for the customer.
The website is described by USDA Horticultural Specialist Virgil Hunt as “A major advancement in seed sourcing abilities and technology.” It provides a method of sourcing seed that is unavailable to almost all of the population. Furthermore, it is designed to provide content rich in information, but not be overwhelming. The site offers information that can be easily used by everyone from the novice gardener to the arborist. It does not merely provide links to other resources. Instead, it provides helpful species specific content for current stock items, editorial and forum content, and supplementary links to extra information for seed seekers. It offers greater breadth and scope than other seed company sites. It is well done and comprehensive.
Additionally, Catalpa Tree Seed Company works solely with suppliers of certified non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) organic and heirloom seed.
Thomas Branson, owner of Branson Farm & Livestock: “We are very happy with the detail and diligence that Catalpa Tree Seed Company puts into verifying that their seed is certified Organic. With all of the changes in the Organics Certification regulations, it is encouraging to know that there is a company as concerned about the environment and our well being as we are.”
Catalpa Tree Seed Company does not work with large Industrial or corporate seed companies. We believe that it is in the best interest of the environment to not support the larger companies that genetically modify their seed crops.
Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this groundwork and strive for a safe and genetically stable future. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods poses great biological risks as well as economic, political and cultural threats. Therefore, we vow to remain signers of the Safe Seed Pledge and secure that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils and genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems.
Catalpa Tree Seed Company does not offer a printed catalog. This is a decision made to help try to conserve resources that are dwindling every day. If you would like to see a complete list of seeds, varieties and groups, please visit our website at or email us at and we will be happy to email you the most up to date list in any format you desire. We do not have a showroom or retail location. This allows us to keep costs down and provide you with the highest quality seed available.
Catalpa Tree Seed Company is a leader amongst seed suppliers. Likewise, it leads the field with distinguished standards, principles, and technologic advancements in an industry that requires fresh ideas and developments.
For more information, or to visit Catalpa Tree Seed Company’s site, please visit our constantly updated site:; or you can email direct to
Catalpa Tree Seed Company
A C3Holdings, LLC company
27 Fostertown Road
Medford, NJ 08055
(866) 756-SEEDS [7333]
(609) 678-0367