March 14, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
CiC will send all of their clients a fact sheet to raise awareness of the lesser known problems associated with smoking and the ramifications that the dependence can have in the workplace. The fact sheets will also include proven techniques that will help employees kick the habit for good.

Smoking costs individuals their money and their health. A smoker who has 20 cigarettes a day will spend in excess of £1,600 a year just to feed their nicotine addiction. That works out at more than £37,000 over 20 years, and whether a smoker wishes to accept it or not, the list of medical conditions that smoking can contribute to is extensive. Smoking causes thirty per cent of all cancer deaths (including at least 84% of lung cancer deaths), 17% of all heart disease deaths and at least 80% of deaths from bronchitis and emphysema.
Employers should expect employees who smoke to take two days more sick leave per year than non-smokers and spend up to two and a half hours a week of office time on cigarette breaks.
Kate Nowlan, Director, CiC:

“National No Smoking Day is particularly poignant this year because of the impending ban on smoking in all enclosed public spaces sand workplaces throughout the UK in July. Nicotine is a very addictive drug, and usually people make two or three tries, or more, before they successfully quit. Each time you quit, you can learn what works for you and what situations are problematic.
However, using proven cessation treatments can double your chance of success. ”

CiC has compiled a five point plan that will assist and inspire smokers who are ready to give up the habit for good, and the fact sheet will also include tips to help distract from cravings, suggestions for healthy cigarette substitutes and long term distraction ideas to help maintain motivation.

It has been revealed that one in ten people admit to being ‘secret smokers,’ highlighting the fact that smokers will often go out of their way to hide if from friends and family and avoid addressing the very real health threats that smoking poses. One anonymous source admitted:

“When I buy a new packet I transfer the cigarettes into a separate case so that I don’t see the health warning and so my kids don’t get scared – and I suppose so that I don’t get scared”.

Notes to Editor:

1 - Source: www.yahoo.co.uk 08/03/07

CiC’s Core Services:

CiC provide telephone support, management support, face to face counselling, traumatic incident counselling, specialist support services, training and executive coaching and management information. The group specialises in the following services:

Crisis Management – CiC offer a complete Crisis Management and Critical Incident Cover package available 24/7. CiC’s Critical Incident Support staff and specialist trauma team are highly trained and have experience of providing support both to groups and on a one-to-one support basis across a range of situations, including the London 7/7 bombings, the ’04 Madrid train bombings, the Paddington rail crash, armed bank raids, bomb threats/evacuations and sudden deaths in the workplace.

Business Continuity & Critical Incident Support has to be a fundamental part of strategic planning for any forward thinking company nowadays. CiC also address Risk Management in the fields of Business Continuity, Company Risk Reviews, Security and International Travel Advice, and Critical Incident Cover.

EAP – The Employee Assistance Programme is CiC’s most highly demanded service. It focuses on organisational performance and enhanced productivity. Employees benefit from a 24 hour confidential helpline, available 365 days of the year, that offers support for every area of both their personal and professional life.

Management support and face to face counselling are provided as well as specialist support services such as Financial, Legal and child / family care, retirement, and redundancy issues.

Learning & Development – CiC’s comprehensive training programmes add value to businesses across the spectrum. The specialised training department has diverse front line industry knowledge and experience which allows them to provide considerable depth of advice and training to fit the commercial requirements of any business. CiC use a range of specifically developed learning tools to train people in wide variety of business & management skills. Courses include: General Skills, Business Development, Leadership Skills, Business Continuity, HR Services and Coaching.