THE ABC’S OF INSURANCE ” Complementary Health Series” Show 29: Grounding Oneself, to help to reduce stress and relax

March 26, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
THE ABC’S OF INSURANCE “ Complementary Health Series” hosted by Lester J. Robinson FICF.

TOPICS: Show 29: Grounding Oneself, to help to reduce stress and relax

This show is about how to relax, reduce stress, and enjoy one life. Amy Koban is the owner of Amy K’s Mystick Boutique in Lewiston. The main theme of the show is how to ground oneself, which helps you to relax. Amy goes over the technique in how to ground oneself to help one relax. Amy will be teaching a course on this in Lily Dale in August of 2005. The basic the goal is to help one to meditate better, and to deal with the day-to-day stress in everybody life. The basic necessary grounding techniques needed for safely working with energy sensation. Will also brieifly discuss active and passive grounding to help those who have difficulty in meditating or grounding oneself. She also shows how to low ones brainwaves cycles systematically from Beta to Alpha state, which has been found to lower one blood pressure and reduce stress as well.

For more information on the interview go to and click on the complementary.
The basic idea of an interactive TV show with using the Internet is to bring the next level of TV to Western New York now. Presently interactive shows are being test marketed around the country. The shows are set up for being a total interactive show once the technology becomes more available in Western New York. Once this happens “The ABC’s of Insurance” will be one of the first shows in Western New York to be interactive. Right now the viewers have to get to their personal computer to get more information on the topics from the series. An interactive TV series, the viewers can get more information on the topic after the shows airs from the website.

The dates the programs will be aired will be on Niagara County LCTV channel 20 Tuesday at 8:30 pm, Thursday at 6:30 pm and Fridays at 2:00 pm, and in Erie County Adelphia Channel 20 the time is 10:35 pm Wednesday. On Wednesday April 6, in Erie and in Niagara County Thursday April 7 at 6:30 pm, Friday April 8 at 2:00 pm, and Tuesday April 12, 2005 at 8:30 pm.