Wild Republic Gets Hand-On with MagnaMorphs™
November 08, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
CLEVELAND, OH - If You Build It, You Can Buy It. Wild Republic’s ultimate mix n’ match nature playsets, MagnaMorphs™, have arrived in time for holiday fun and assembly is definitely required! MagnaMorphs™ is a unique line of animals with magnetic body parts that are completely interchangeable. Imagination is the only limit when it comes to the wild "morphing" of millions of combinations of animal parts. Lions and tigers and bears can be combined with dinosaurs, birds and fish. Anything goes in Wild Republic’s ever-expanding MagnaMorphs product line.
"MagnaMorphs was inspired by combining three favorite childhood things – animals, building (and tearing down), and imagination," Kim Hammeren, Director of Marketing for Wild Republic, said. "Children have a great time assembling animals correctly and them switching out body parts over and over again. We’ve even created great new in-store activity centers for children of all ages to try it. Right now the FAO flagship stores in New York and Las Vegas have the new assembly pits installed.”
The new toys, designed for ages 3 and up, are sold individually (4.99), and in themed packs ($9.99 to $14.99). Each MagnaMorph offers a unique way to challenge a child's imagination through building and creative play.
The MagnaMorph line joins a list of other unique and successful Wild Republic toys, including the famous Hanging Plush Monkeys, Stretcheez, Cuddlekins, Blanket Pillow Buddies, Audubon Birds, Paws & Claws Domestic Animal toys, Know & Grow Development toys, Adventure Box Sets, wooden puzzles, wind-ups, wall walkers, and puppets, among other items.
Wild Republic, the nature toy brand of K&M International, Inc., is a preeminent brand of action-driven, nature-themed toys designed to spark a child's imagination and educate about the wonders of the wild through creative play. K&M International, Inc., headquartered in Twinsburg, Ohio, near Cleveland, is the leading provider of nature-themed toys to the specialty toy and gift markets. The brands' consumer Web site is located at www.wildrepublic.com.