Comedy On The Streets on video

March 09, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News

What do you get when you mix a loudmouthed hip talking dummy, a gathered crowd on a city sidewalk and a quick witted ventriloquist? 'Comedy On The Streets'.

Unrehearsed, unannounced and filmed on the street corners of New York City, this hilarious video features veteran ventriloquist Anthony Thomas and his boisterous side kick Leroy, whose hysterical interactions with a host of funny characters, baited pedestrians and unsuspecting passerby creates this unique comedy concept.

Using a not so common art form and a perfect setting for improversation, Comedy On The Streets offers elements especially appealing to admirers of reality based comedy. With it's spontaneous and unscripted format, Comedy On The Streets delivers the laughs.

Directed by Peter Ramdass
Rated P.G.
70 minutes