September 30, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Chef Gayle Gaggero is worried. Gaggero, CEO of Kids Culinary Adventures (KCA), has read the reports from the Centers for Disease Control indicating the dramatic rise of Type II Diabetes in children. This rise has been directly linked to the increase in childhood obesity.

Gaggero asserts that childhood obesity rates are tantamount to a brewing epidemic. Children, and some parents for that matter, do not know how to cook basic foods without using prepackaged and overly processed components. Most parents don’t realize that the quick meal they just grabbed from the local fast food restaurant is poisoning their family, and not only physically, but it’s instilling unhealthy habits in their children.

Because children today are missing out on a basic nutritional education, Gaggero teaches them to take responsibility by learning to cook properly. “If children know proper cooking techniques and proper meal selection then they are prepared to take great care of themselves,” asserts Gaggero. “By failing to assure that our children develop sound nutritional practices we’re only contributing to the epidemic.”

Studies have shown that maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program can dramatically delay the onset of Type II Diabetes. In some instances these simple lifestyle changes can completely prevent the disease.

Enrolling your child in culinary classes like those available through Kids Culinary Adventures is a fun way to make sure your child is educated on proper nutrition and develops a fondness for cooking “outside of the box”. Children are much more likely to choose a healthy lifestyle when they enjoy what it requires.