White Paper Explains How To Optimise Landing Pages For Pay Per Click
September 29, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Mr James Brown, Head of Research & Development at Sayu.co.uk recently announced the release of his new white paper titled "Optimising Landing Pages for Pay Per Click". Based on years of practical experience in the PPC arena, Mr Brown reveals invaluable tried and tested landing page strategies that will help PPC advertisers improve conversion rates and the overall profit of a PPC campaign.As competition continues to grow in the PPC advertising arena, the likelihood of an advertiser increasing the amount of profit they receive from each click appears impossible. However, as Mr Brown's white paper explains, one fundamental factor an advertiser needs to consider when creating a highly profitable PPC campaign is optimising the landing page.
Mr Brown explains: "It is a general rule in pay per click marketing that the user should see consistency across the entire buying process. If a user enters the search term "japanese dictionary", then they are more likely to click on adverts that contain the exact term "japanese dictionary" (preferably in the advert title) and are more likely to convert on an optimised landing page with the words "japanese dictionary" displayed to them immediately."
The white paper takes the reader through the full cycle of what a PPC advertiser needs to consider when optimising their landing pages. Once the advertiser knows how to optimise the right landing page for maximum conversion, the white paper explains how usability optimisation on landing pages should be implemented.
"Usability optimisation on landing pages is especially important because a user who has just arrived at your site makes immediate evaluations about all aspects of your business, including whether you provide the service they're looking for, and whether you are a trustworthy company to do business with. Small adjustments to the usability of your landing pages can increase conversions dramatically; so what are the best practice factors that you should be looking at in optimising your landing pages?…"
Taking a PPC advertiser through the various stages of optimising landing pages, the white paper goes on to explain how landing page optimisation can be effectively measured, so as to cancel out any variables that could affect results.
"In A/B testing, you split your visitors into two equal and random groups, and then show one group one version of a design and another group the original, control version. If the test group convert significantly better than the control, then the test is a success, and the new design is implemented."
For companies using PPC that do not have the resources to implement A/B testing and do not want to outsource, the white paper goes into great detail about how PPC advertisers need to use Google adwords conversion tracking to measure the optimisation of their landing pages.
Finally, the white paper targets advertisers using the Google adwords PPC program and ensures readers will understand how the Google landing page quality score works, and how important it is for them to optimise their landing pages.
"In PPC it [the Google landing page quality score] is new, and Google are using it to set the minimum bid allowed per keyword per site - if your site is judged low quality you're minimum bids will be more expensive."
Mr. Brown's white paper can be found following this link:http://www.sayu.co.uk/landing-page-white-paper.html.
About the Company
Sayu Ltd (http://www.sayu.co.uk) specialise in pay per click & web management services. By utilising PPC statistical techniques, long tail marketing and proprietary automated bidding software they can reduce overall advertising spend and increase the quantity and quality of traffic that is provided by a client's internet advertising campaigns. To organise a free health check and 30 day trial of Sayu's PPC management services call the Sayu Team today on 0800 634 8283 or visit https://www.sayu.co.uk/ppc-management.html for more information.