School Celebrates its 4th Year as leader in Wine Education.

February 23, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News

School Celebrates its 4th Year as leader in Wine Education.

On March 5th, The Wine School is celebrating the 4th anniversary of its most successful education program, the Wine Basics Certification Program.

The brainchild of Keith Wallace, M.S.*, the Wine Basics is now the flagship program for the Wine School of Philadelphia. Originally intended as a consumer-only program, the Wine Basics is now attended by hundreds of industry professionals every year.

The program's reputation is now growing nationally, as well. Students routinely travel across the USA to attend the Wine Basics Program. Recent attendees have traveled from Oregon, Connecticut & Maryland.

The success of the Wine Basics is not surprising. While most wine education begins with lectures on history and geography, the Wine Basics focuses on the student's understanding of taste and the chemistry of flavors. This focus gives the Basics graduate better understanding of wines than most industry professionals.

In honor of the 4th anniversary of the Wine Basics program, the school is holding a special Basics program from March 5th to April 16th with founder Keith Wallace. Registration is mandatory.

*Master of Science