Smallwood Capital Management Presents A Complimentary Retirement & Social Security Workshop

August 30, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
SHREWSBURY, NJ — Please be our guest as Smallwood Capital Management Presents a complimentary Retirement & Social Security Workshop at no cost or obligation to attend. Branches (123 Monmouth Rd., Rt. 71 West Long Branch, NJ 07764) from 6:30PM-8:30PM. Light fare and dessert will be served. Pre-registration is required. Visit "Seminar Registration" or call 800-797-1000.

Special Guests include:

Eric Passandante presenting
The Retirement Red Zone™
Learn to navigate The Retirement Red Zone, which is the 5 years before retirement and 5 years following retirement. This is the time when poor market performance can have a serious effect on your retirement portfolio- because time to recover is generally not on your side. The result maybe a retirement that lasts longer then your assets.

James Mahaney discussing
Strategies to Help Maximize Social Security Benefits
For years, financial service companies have downplayed the role of Social Security in bolstering financial security in retirement. But considering the increased financial risks retirees now shoulder, the tax preferences that Social Security receives, and the income options that SS now offers, we would argue that Social Security should play an even greater role in a retiree's financial picture than ever before.

He’ll explore issues like:

· How Social Security can play a greater role in a retiree's financial planning.
· The 5 Costliest Mistakes Retirees Make Regarding Social Security.
· What You Haven't Heard Before About the Taxation of Social Security Benefits.
· How to Bridge the Income Gap Until Higher Social Security Benefits Can Begin.