On the High Wire: New Business Book Summary from BusinessSummaries.com

August 02, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Miami, Florida— BusinessSummaries.com, one of the leading e-commerce sites for business book summaries, today releases the abridged version of one of the business bestsellers, On The High Wire: How to Survive Being Promoted by Robert W. Gunn & Betsy Raskin Gullickson. This executive book summary is now accessible to subscribers in PDF, PDA, Powerpoint, and audio formats.

Written by no less than today’s highly respected human resources consultant, Robert W. Gunn, and executive coach, Betsy Raskin Gullickson, On The High Wire: How to Survive Being Promoted promises to be the must-have book summary by every employee who has gotten a managerial promotion. Gunn and Gullickson address the challenges and opportunities that come with advancing the corporate ladder. They describe taking on bigger responsibilities and career adjustments as walking on the high wire— traversing into the unknown without a safety net.

The business book summary of On the High Wire: How to Survive Being Promoted provides readers the ultimate guide to promotion. This summary offers specific strategies and tactics on how to effectively handle project management, problem solving, conflict management and delegation as a manager or a top executive.

With the explicitly written summary of On the High Wire: How to Survive Being Promoted, busy executives can now learn new ideas and business strategies in minutes through different summary formats.

Every week, subscribers enjoy business book summaries of today’s business bestsellers in PDF, PDA, Powerpoint and audio formats. The latest versions of the book summaries are all available online upon subscription to BusinessSummaries.com.

Visit the BusinessSummaries.com website at: http://www.bizsum.com. For additional information, call 1-305-433-8579.


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BusinessSummaries.com is one of the leading e-commerce sites for business book summaries that provides corporations, busy executives, and entrepreneurs with a concise summary of the latest business bestsellers in an easy-to-read, structured outline highlighting all the vital information, ideas and concepts.

Jojy Azurin