Changes at Zip Television

February 11, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
In a statement issued today, the two Managing Partners, Andrew Howells and Donna Barradale, explained why this had been announced publicly:

“In 2003, Zip brought together a consortium of 10 advertisers to provide funding for a feasibility study to launch a television channel, designed to host interactive, extended advertising content and to act as an alternative in the marketplace to the service offered at that time exclusively by BSkyB. This channel was launched in July 2004 and represents a viable alternative in the marketplace for advertisers. This was warmly welcomed by all parties, including BSkyB who have signed contracts with Zip, allowing advertisers to jump from linear spots on Sky channels into Zip space. We are thankful to all the advertisers, including P&G, who supported this initiative.

However, Zip’s business has now evolved. As a result, we now have a more traditional client/agency relationship with a number of consortium members. In this respect, it is understandable that competitive companies within the consortium may seek to work with alternative agencies elsewhere.

We still maintain that sharing research, learning and data is extremely valuable for our client base and will continue with this philosophy”.

Support for Zip is still strong amongst the remainder of the client base. Jill Armitage, Head of Direct Communication, Unilever says “Findings from the Zip Consortium have been extremely valuable in helping our team learn and shape our thinking in this area. We are impressed with Zip’s understanding of the market and their ability to produce award winning creative work. We are looking forward to continued sharing going forward”


About Zip Television
Zip Television is a specialist independent interactive television company.

The company’s aim is to help shape the future of interactive television by developing new products and services that benefit its clients and support the growth of this new industry.

Zip TV has a detailed working knowledge of the iTV landscape in the UK working closely with the major broadcasters and digital platforms. The team’s skills are founded on years of interactive media and creative experience combined with data planning and analysis.

The Zip TV channel is an initiative based on a consortium of advertisers representing 40% of the top 50 TV advertisers. The consortium is taking an active role in the development of this industry as well as share insight and learning to exploit the brand opportunities that this new medium provides.

The Zip TV Channel is the first alternative interactive TV advertising channel. It is available to consortium members and non-members who want to use interactive TV backed by research and develop learnings based on their activity.

Members include, Orange, BT, Gillette, the COI, Unilever, Masterfoods, Camelot, Honda, Reckitt Benckiser and Woolworths.

For more information, please contact:

Katy Howell
immediate future Ltd.
0845 408 2031