Many stories, many items will be told and sold June 29th in Nebraska.

June 23, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
TEKAMAH, NE June 23, 2006- For forty years Robert Sklenar was the one purchasing old vehicles from Auctions, but on the 29th all those items will be sold at his own estate auction.

After living in the Tekamah area his entire life, he started his business by working on vehicles, manufacturing truck boxes, and buying and selling vehicles on his own time which started in the early 1950s and was then later licensed as an auto dealer in 1964. He was also a farmer until the early 1980s. According to family members, when he started in the business, he named the vehicles in his inventory. The first was named Gazelle, he ended up trading back for it years later.

With 40 years of buying vehicles Sklenar came up with an inventory of approximately 2,000 vehicles spread over sixty plus acres. One of the vehicles Sklenar used to own, and is now selling the remains too is on display in the America On the Move exhibition at the Smithsonian. This bus section that is now in the Smithsonian was part of the Omaha Transit Company bus #1210. The bus was purchased in February 2003 by the Smithsonian.

A year later Sklenar was in the news again when Metro Area Transit, the Omaha bus company, bought back a dozen buses it had sold him decades before. These buses are still in use on downtown circular routes.

Sklenar also collected many military vehicles, among those is a Military trailer that was in World War II. Other vehicles that are being sold are classic cars, construction equipment, farm equipment, in the midst of many others.

The sale will be conducted at the Tekamah City Auditorium, including online bidding, on Thursday June 29th at 9:00 AM. Public inspection begins June 25th through auction day.

To get more information on the inventory of this auction you can visit or call 1-800-WE SELL-8. Special thanks to Mark Jackson, editor of the Burt County Plaindealer, for some information contained in this release.