Boomerang Studios Wins 8 International Film Awards for Environmental Drama
May 31, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Funding for the movie came from the Lenawee County Solid Waste Department with the help of director Sue Ringman. The movie's latest honor was one of only four entries worldwide to be recognized for its excellence with a gold award for short film in the 2005 Horizon Interactive Awards.The 8 international awards are a testimony to the hard work of the film’s writer, director / photographer Lynn Drzick and Producer / Editor Stuart MacDonald. “A World at Waste” is becoming known as a big little movie and changing the way we think about the environment.
Boomerang Studios is owned and operated by Stuart MacDonald and founded in 2001. The bulk of the companies projects are Industrial Film and TV Commercial Production.
Boomerang Studios hopes to produce a sequel to the film as a full length feature within the next 2 years.