India Net Zone Launches The Most Useful and Informative Site Ayurveda.Indianetzone.Com
May 27, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Mumbai, April 30, 2006:, India's most informative and descriptive web portal, launches the"IndiaNetZone/Ayurveda, an encyclopedia of Ayurvedic study, provides extensive information on origin and development of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic therapies, medicines, Kerala Ayurveda and Ayurvedic care. Our aim is to make the user familiar with Ayurvedic treatments for a healthy and peaceful living," says Mr. Umesh Modi, Editor, The site has 7 main sections namely Ayurveda & its History, Treatments and Medicine, Ayurveda Therapies , Ayurveda in Daily Life, Ayurveda Care, Kerala Ayurved and Glossory and FAQs.
The Ayurveda & its history contains information on its origin, history, elements, concepts and principles, Ayurvedic Herbs and the three fundamental elements of our body i.e. Vata, Pita and Kapha and their role in our daily life.
The section Treatments and Medicine covers common treatments, diagnosis, Doshic imbalances, remedies for common ailments and a comparative study of Ayurveda vs other forms of medicine. The Section on Ayurveda Therapies provides details about the different types of Ayurvedic therapies like Santarpan, Apatarpan, Abhyanga,Vishesh, Panchakarma, Udvartana, Garshan, Pizzichilli, Shirodhara, Swedana, Nashya, Raindrop & Vitaflex Therapy, Marma, Shamana- Balancing Therapy, Shodhana- Elimination Therapy, Ayurveda Massage Therapy etc.
"Ayurveda in daily life" highlights the importance of diet, yoga, spas, massage and regimen in Ayurveda. It also provides information on diet that required to balance baat, pitta and kapha and also Hotels provides Spa facilities in India.
The section Ayurveda Care provides ample tips on beauty. There is a detail description on use of Ayurvedic products in child care, health care, beauty care, geriatric care and women care. The ‘Kerala Ayurveda’ section throws light on the state of Kerala, the hub of Ayurvedic treatment and presents the Keralite ayurvedic treatment methods. The Glossory and FAQ section deals with more than 1000 Ayurvedic terms used in Ayurvedic treatment and also covered the most frequently asked questions on different aspects of Ayurveda.
The best feature of this site is that it is an encyclopedia of Ayurvedic treatment. Every aspect of Ayurveda are analysed precisely and presented systematically.
“We want the users to have sufficient information on Ayurveda and its different therapies for easy and quick relief for a healthy and peaceful living and make the users familiar with the latest developments in Ayurvedic field,” says Mr. Modi.
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