Iran Nuclear Program May be Cover For Providing Terrorists with Nuclear Weapons, Warns Author of Nuclear Terrorism Book

May 18, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
It is a chilling scenario. Radical elements controlling Iran's government provide covert assistance to Al-Qaeda in a plot to detonate a nuclear weapon in a major American city. This terrifying possibility is the fictional plot in Sheldon Filger's fear-provoking novel about nuclear terrorism as the next 9/11 attack on the United States, "King of Bombs." However, Mr. Filger's believes that Iran's nuclear program may be designed to implement objectives very similar to those which are presented in his nuclear terrorism thriller.

"Iran is clearly mounting a vast industrial program for the eventual production of enriched uranium in large quantities," Mr. Filger says. "They claim this is only for a peaceful nuclear energy program, however, many disturbing facts seem to contradict this reassurance by the Iranian regime."

Among the points raised by the author of "King of Bombs" are his concern that a country genuinely interested in developing nuclear energy would, in fact, be concentrating on building nuclear reactors for electricity generation and be completely transparent in its nuclear activities. However, as documented by the IAEA (United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency), Iran has run a covert program for nearly two decades, only exposed when information was leaked by Iranian dissidents. Furthermore, rather than build reactors,Iran has been concentrating almost exclusively on mastering the technical requirements for enriching uranium.

"Developing that capacity when Iran does not even have a nuclear power generating reactor in operation-and only a single one under construction-is an inexplicable case of putting the cart before the horse. Unless, they intend to manufacture nuclear weapons," suggested Mr. Filger, who indicated that highly enriched uranium production by Iran would enable Tehran to produce nuclear weapons.

"According to the U.S. State Department,Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world today.If that is the case, how can we be certain that a regime covertly manufacturing nuclear weapons at underground facilities would exercise self-restraint and not transfer such apocalyptic weaponry into the hands of groups such as Al-Qaeda and Hizbollah?" warned Sheldon Filger.

Though Iran continues to insist that it is not planning to build nuclear weapons, its President has called for the destruction of America, as well as assuring his followers that "the end of history" is approaching.

"King of Bombs" is available at many online bookstores, as well as on the author's website,