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May 11, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Business is one major news-generating area in the media world. Business finds exclusive coverage by the business India magazines. To cater to the need of the millions of players in the market, buyers and sellers alike, many business India magazines provide news and analyses of the current business scenario in India. Business India magazines also make an impact in the market through its brand promotion and marketing strategies.Print media with its unique and detailed way of news presentation has been regarded as the most respected form of media. It is not just an informer of news but also a medium for educating the people and thought provocation. And with business a very important segment affecting our daily life, people has every right to get informed about business news. This has led to the emergence of various business-news magazines in India. One such business India magazine is Impact. It is a weekly business-news magazine published by exchange4media. It keeps track of the all the marketing and advertising news in the country.
Impact unlike many other business India magazines, offers variety of services. Blessed with modern technology land tools, the entire process from news collection, news selection and news documentation to news presentation at Impact is quite unique. In fact it is always on the look out for innovations and better way of informing its readers. In fact this business India magazine is a storehouse of Indian advertising collection.
One unique feature about this business India magazine is its focus on sectors and segments of the industry rather than companies and CEOs who are making news. It does not attest significance on big business personalities and companies but on emerging segments making news such as marketing and advertising. It is sufficient to say that Impact has a major influence in the way of highlighting or promoting a brand.
For readers tracking the advertising and marketing services, Impact comes across as a handbook. It carries news, views, reviews, interviews and latest happenings in India and abroad. It guides the customers and businesses alike. You can visit its website at
This website carries the usual content of its print publication Impact and also carries articles and press releases relating to marketing and advertising. One can also write feedbacks online on the content available on this site. This site provides space for advertisement and subscription. One can also access E-book from this site.