Stepping over from Self-Publishing

May 08, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Bestselling author, publicist, book marketing specialist and CEO of Author Marketing Experts, Inc. Penny C. Sansevieri has closed a deal with Morgan James Publishing, LLC for the re-release of From Book to Bestseller, Get Published Today and her upcoming book: Striking Internet Gold. Morgan James will also be picking up her book marketing audio series.

The deal (for an undisclosed amount) is among one of the most revolutionary in the industry. Morgan James, which prides itself on being an “entrepreneurial publisher,” tapped Sansevieri for her books after Publisher and CEO David L. Hancock was introduced to Sansevieri’s work and sent a copy of her marketing books. “They are some of the best books I’ve ever seen,” said Hancock in an interview, “and a perfect partnership for Morgan James. We’re thrilled to have Penny on board.”

Sansevieri, who for years has been an advocate of print-on-demand (POD), credits this digital form of printing with her success: “POD allowed me to get my books out there in a quick and inexpensive way; the rest was up to me.” Sansevieri teaches authors how to market their books and spends considerable time building strategies for her authors to help position them for success. “I literally practice what I preach,” offers Sansevieri. “Platform building, internet exposure and a constant push of an author’s message is what it takes to get noticed.”

Sansevieri’s first book, a novel titled: The Cliffhanger (iUniverse), was a regional bestseller in 1999. This led Penny on a mission to creatively promote books using non-traditional methods like the strategies she maps out in her Virtual Author Tour™ campaign that she developed as part of her company’s innovative marketing concepts.

Sansevieri is excited about this deal but says that she doesn’t want to forget her “roots” in publishing and the POD trend that helped to make this possible. “POD can work for anyone, but an author has got to do the work and the due diligence to make it happen; once they do anything is possible.”


CONTACT: Paula Krapf
(858) 560-0121
(619) 808 –BOOK (2665) hotline