May 01, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
June 15, 2007 - Do you want to be happy? Of course, we all do.Well, a simple website now has the answer. GBM (or Gratitude-Bliss
Meditation) is simple meditative technique developed by Uruayoan
Paz, a long time "happiness" and spiritual seeker. After many years
of researching ancient religions and philosophies, and modern
science he realized that the more he searched the more complicated
everything got.
Finally, Urayoan developed GBM. With the use "Gratitude Energy"
any person can develop contentment at any time. As described in
the GBM Handbook:
"Gratitude = Contentment = True Happiness (Bliss)"
GBM shows an exact method on how to achieve this with a quick
30 second meditation. For only $11 (US) you can get access to
the GBM Handbook (in PDF format) along with a handful of extras.
Along with GBM, offers a 24-Hour Global Meditation.
Its purpose is to get as many people as possible to do the GBM all at
once, resulting in mass happiness.
Urayoan Paz had this to say in a candid letter found on the website:
"We can't expect to get results (in being happy), by focusing on what's
wrong with us. Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't analyze our bad
behaviors and modify them. What I mean is that we should focus more
on our good behaviors and build on them. We are all good beings and
along the way we have forgotten this somehow." has been designed in a simple easy to read format. It
can be accessed from PDAs, mobile, and other wireless devices.
Designed in simple language for everybody, Gratitude-Bliss
Meditation will make you happy in 4 simple steps, satisfaction
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