Targeted Opt In Email Campaigns Can Explode Sales and Business Opportunity Sign Ups.
May 01, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Targeted Opt In Email Campaigns Can Explode Sales and Business Opportunity Sign Ups. recently launched it's new website offering affordable, safe, spam-free targeted email advertising solo ads, and permission based opt-in email marketing campaigns to millions of prospects and buyers waiting to receive information about specific products, services, offers and business opportunities.
Scranton, PA - May 1, 2006
According to recent marketing surveys, every day millions of people request topical information on specific subjects, products, services and business offers to be emailed to them by subscribing to topic specific opt in email lists, identifying themselves as potential prospects and customers.
By targeting prospects through 100% safe, targeted opt in email campaigns, almost any business can achieve fast, massive exposure. Target Email Advertising's Opt-In List Database features more than 650 targeted categories in over 15,680 opt in safe lists, with more than 124 million subscribers eagerly awaiting information about many industry specific products, services and business opportunities. All direct email advertising campaigns are certified spam free.
According to marketing director Bob Oister, all of the permission based marketing lists used are double opt in lists, meaning that subscribers must not only subscribe, but verify subscription using a validated email address. This greatly improves the campaign delivery rate and assures that the email ads are being received.
The many targeting categories available include Products and Services, B2B, Hardware and Software, Affiliate Programs, Business Opportunities, Network Marketing, Entertainment, Wholesale Merchandise, Gifts and Jewelry, Sports, Travel, Fashion, Investing and Finance, Real Estate, Casinos and Gambling, Home Businesses, Health, Fitness and Nutrition, Education, Technology, Automotive and many more.
Pricing for targeted opt in email campaigns begin at a very reasonable $79.95 for sending out one million targeted email ads, and most direct email campaigns begin within 72 hours of placing an order.
For More Information Contact:
Bob Oister