Learn How to Create a Successful Franchise Business on StartupNation Radio May 27, 2006
May 01, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
What: Jeff Sinelli, creator of the highly successful Which Wich? sandwich-shop chain will discuss how to build a franchise startup. He’ll provide tips on branding, training, sales, and more.
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Jeff Sinelli is a savvy, serial entrepreneur who bought, improved and sold eateries and other entertainment properties in metro Dallas. When he was 30, he transformed Genghis Grill into a Franchise Times’ list of “20 To Watch.” Now, Jeff successfully sells his Which Wich? franchises that promote “superior sandwiches” (with only Grade A ingredients), modern architecture, new music, and a unique brand.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Listen live (radio or online) or call-in 866-557-8278 (7pm-8pm EST/4pm-5pm PST)
If you are unable to listen live, access a download or podcast of the show at www.startupnation.com/pages/radio starting Monday, May 29, 2006.
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About StartupNation® and the Sloan Brothers
Founded by Jeff and Rich Sloan, StartupNation (www.startupnation.com) is a vibrant community which provides free advice and resources for entrepreneurs who want to start a business. Through www.startupnation.com, entrepreneurs access articles, podcasts and seminars as well as connect with mentors and peers through StartupNation's online network. Hosts of StartupNation Radio, the Sloan brothers are successful inventors, experienced entrepreneurs and authors of “StartupNation: Open for Business” (Doubleday). They've been featured in numerous, international publications and frequently appear on national television. For more information, call (866) 55-START or e-mail info@startupnation.com.
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Media Contact:
Melanie Rembrandt
248.540.9660 ext. 333