A Natural Answer for Feminine Yeast Infection – Enlightening New Research

April 26, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
A Natural Answer for Feminine Yeast Infection –
Enlightening New Research

By Natasha Trenev

If you’re a woman, you know what it’s like to juggle household schedules and your family’s needs. Research suggests an alternative approach to assist busy women with one of their most common health challenges: yeast overgrowth, caused by Candidaalbicans.

Women taking the Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS super strain may significantly reduce the recurrence of vulvovaginal candidiasis, according to findings of a study conducted at University of California, Davis. [1] This research proved the benefits of supplementing with quality probiotics (beneficial bacteria), specifically L. acidophilus, NAS strain, which is provided exclusively in Gy-Na·Tren ®.

A previous study at Yale University School of Nursing [2] showed that supplementing with
L. acidophilus, NAS strain discourages Candida. The NAS strain produces hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2), which inhibits yeast and optimizes the balance of vaginal and intestinal flora.

While research announced this fall reported Lactobacillus to be ineffective in preventing vulvovaginal candidiasis, it focused on a particular strain that is not an acidophilus but rather a Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain. [3] In contrast, because Gy-Na·Tren’s Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS strain produces the powerful hydrogen peroxide metabolite, it has a proven effect against candidiasis.

Manufactured by Natren ® Inc., Gy-Na·Tren ® contains 14 capsules for oral use and 14 capsules for vaginal application, each capsule providing 2 billion colony-forming units of viable L. acidophilus, NAS super strain. Replenishing diminished beneficial bacteria with specific probiotic super strains naturally maintains the healthy ecology of the vaginal and intestinal tracts. Gy-Na·Tren ® offers a recognized, clinically proven alternative to both over-the-counter and prescription drugs.


Educator and author in the field of probiotics, Natasha Trenev has devoted more than 30 years to researching the healthful effects of beneficial bacteria. She wrote the probiotic standards adopted by the National Nutritional Foods Association in1989. Cofounder and president of Natren® Inc., Trenev is the author of Probiotics: Nature’s Internal Healers and Probiotics: The Foundation of Your Health and coauthor of Probiotics: How Live Yogurt and Other Friendly Bacteria Can Restore Health and Vitality.

Natren has a worldwide coverage and recently secured a UK and European distributorship with G&G Food Supplies Ltd; a well known UK supplier of natural products established since 1965.

For more information visit www.natren.co.uk

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

[1] Metts, J., Famula, T.R., Trenev, N. & Clemens, R.A., Lactobacillus acidophilus strain NAS (H 2O 2 positive) in reduction of recurrent Candidal vulvovaginitis, Journal of Applied Research, Fall 2003, Vol 3 No 4:340-8.

[2] Williams, A.B., Chang, Y., Tashima, K., Burgess, J., Danvers, K., Evaluation of two self-care treatments for prevention of vaginal candidiasis in women with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection, J. Assoc Nurses AIDS Care, 2001; 12(4): 51-7.

[3] Waknine Y. Oral and vaginal lactobacillus ineffective in preventing postantibiotic vulvovaginal candidiasis. BMJ, published online; www.medscape.com.