Personal Trainers Chime In On Preferred Method for Body Fat Assessments

April 15, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Carpinteria, CA – April 15, 2006 – YourCouponClub continues polling fitness professionals on their fitness equipment preferences. Most recently, personal trainers were asked to pick their favorite method for conducting body fat assessments. The available choice of methods included Skin-fold calipers, Underwater weighing, NIR (infrared), MRI, DEXA (dual energy x-ray asbsorptiometry), and Bioelectrical impedance. While a quarter of the vote went to bioelectrical impedance, the vast majority of fitness trainers (69%) were found to prefer skin-fold calipers as a body fat measurement technique. The remaining 6% of voters designated underwater weighing as their favorite method of assessment.

YourCouponClub provides their professional members with access to thousands of dollars worth of savings on fitness industry products, including fitness equipment. “Because we are dedicated to helping trainers get the best deals on the best equipment,” says Sam Hirschberg, Managing Director of, “we are looking to trainers for their input on what they consider to be the best equipment.”

In the future, YourCouponClub plans to poll personal trainers on their preferences in several different categories, including weight-training equipment, cardiovascular equipment, supplements, and fitness education.


YourCouponClub provides fitness professionals and personal trainers with discounts and special offers through their member network. They work with companies such as Atlantis, Bodymasters, Cybex,, Hoist, Human Kinetics, ISSA, NSCA, various nutrition companies and many others to help trainers and their clients benefit from exclusive product specials not normally accessible to the public. Information about membership can be found by visiting them online at

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