Is banning sugar from the cupboard the right choice? A new article posted to the new Objectivist/Libertarian blog "Atlantis" takes two heaping spoonfuls and comes back for more.

March 24, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Sioux City, IA - — Kamarat McWashington has posted a new article at the Atlantis blog about how abstinence some times is an excuse not to think or take responsibility for one's own actions.

Kamarat, an Objectivist/Libertarian chews over the tasty morsels that are not sampled by everybody, when it comes to the idea of banning sugar from homes and vending machines at school. For example, is the cure worse than the disease? What are the specific negative effects of abstinence in this case? What steps can we take that will truly benefit children beyond just an over-indulgence in eating sugary snacks. If helping children reach their highest potential is your goal, the answers you will receive at Atlantis Blog may surprise you.

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