Double Gold and a Silver for New Romantic Comedy Novel

April 01, 2023 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
LaPuerta Books and Media proudly announces that Gerald Everett Jones's new romantic comedy novel "Mick & Moira & Brad" has won gold awards in both the Independent Press Awards and Amor Romance Book Awards, as well as a Silver in The BookFest.

"Mick & Moira & Brad" was awarded 2023 IPA Winner and Amor Finalist in the Romantic Comedy category of these competitions.
Jones claims his inspiration was the lighthearted rom-coms of the classic Hollywood era: "In today's post-me-too culture, I wondered whether it's possible to find humor in relationships that aren't bitter or broken. My models were William Powell and Myrna Loy, Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. And in a satiric twist, I threw today's ever-present billionaire boyfriend into the mix."

The plot is a Hollywood-insider's story, and it's apparent Jones is savvy about what goes on backstage. Mick McGraw is an aggressive Hollywood agent who reps famous singers. Moira Halimi-Joubert is a headstrong criminal defense attorney who studied opera. Brad Davenport is an arrogant billionaire hedge-fund manager who has a soft spot for dogs. Mick wants to make Moira a superstar, but she may have to dump Brad. What does the battle of the sexes look like when the combatants are equally matched-and might actually like each other? #MeThree?

The twisty plot takes you inside a big-time movieland packaging agency as Mick's team scrambles to put together a stadium concert patterned on Cher's "Farewell Tour." The superstar they've scheduled has canceled just nine weeks before opening night. They need a totally new show theme - and a new star. With Moira in the role, her "Follow This!" show brings back famous names and songs from pop culture - and surprises everyone, including Moira, who must decide whether to pay the high price of fame.

The contentious but lighthearted story of "Mick & Moira & Brad" engages this trio in what the teasing characters of yesteryear used to call a "full and frank exchange of views."

Jones's colleagues who reviewed advance copies were quick to praise him. Marvin J. Wolf, author of "Bride of Finkelstein," raved, "It sucked me in. I had to finish it (not a long book) to find out what Moira was going to do. Altogether, a very satisfying read, 'A Star Is Born' for intellectuals.

John Rachel, author of "The Love Connection," quipped, "A star is born? Not anymore. A star is manufactured. Gerald Everett Jones, in a style of storytelling that is uniquely his and endearingly superb, has spun a riveting yarn of an epic makeover, a young lady who's plucked from the legal profession and thrust into the limelight of pop stardom. It's a fascinating look behind-the-curtain at what goes into the creation of music icons like Lady Gaga and Beyoncé."

Professional reviewers have been just as effusive. Booklife Reviews commented, "Jones's prose is fleet and conversational, and the setting and scenes come across vividly. Characters are engaging and witty, especially in their responses to each other; Jones is adept at the parry-and-riposte nature of romantic-comedy dialogue, and his showbiz chatter likewise shines. Romantic comedy readers with a love for dry humor may find this right up their alley."

In his review for Reader's Favorite, Pikasho Deka said, "A seamless blend of witty dialogue, humor, and romance makes 'Mick & Moira & Brad' a thoroughly entertaining read you don't want to put down. The three main characters all have strong yet distinct personalities that create a compelling dynamic, which is a delight to the reader. Their interaction involved some humorous and quick back-and-forth dialogue, and those were some of my favorite scenes from the book. If romantic comedy is your go-to genre, you will have a blast with this one."

In 2023, the Independent Press Awards had entries worldwide. Authors and publishers from countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Norway, Scotland, and South Africa participated. Submission categories included a wide range of fiction and nonfiction genres.

IPA Awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak believes, "Independent publishing is pushing on every corner of the earth with great content. We are thrilled to be highlighting key titles representing global independent publishing,"

Amor Romance Book Awards is open to submissions from both independent presses as well as traditional and Big 5 publishing houses (Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette). Submitted novels must be in one of the Romance genres.

The BookFest is a semiannual online conference of book fans and authors hosted by Desireé Duffy and Black Chateau Enterprises. The two days of the Spring 2023 event take place April 1-2, including author panels and award announcements.

"Mick & Moira & Brad" is available in trade paperback from booksellers worldwide, as well as in Kindle format from Amazon.

Gerald Everett Jones lives in Santa Monica. This book is his thirteenth novel. He is a board member of the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC), a Film Independent (FILM) Fellow, and a winner of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) Diversity Award. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honors from the College of Letters, Wesleyan University, where he studied under novelists Peter Boynton ("Stone Island"), F.D. Reeve ("The Red Machines"), and Jerzy Kosinski ("The Painted Bird," "Being There"). Learn more at