Canoga Park, CA Author Writes Religious Nonfiction Novel
December 30, 2020 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
God Almighty!: A Sober-Minded View of Our Lot on Earth, a new book by Jose R. Gonzalez, has been released by RoseDog Books.Have you ever wondered why there is life on Planet Earth but nowhere else in our solar system? Have you ever thought about human life, and how it came about on this planet? Are you bothered by the idea that life here is only transitory? One day our Earth will no longer exist; we are living here only temporarily. All the facts you have learned at home and in school only taught you about the here and now. But if you want to go beyond this, you need to think about the course of our solar system and the course of the universe. The universe is not a static entity; it is racing through space at incredible speed. We know how the universe as we know it came about, the result of the Big Bang. As human beings, we know much about what has happened since the Big Bang. But we are flummoxed if we try to find out what there was before the Big Bang. Neither scientists nor theologians know anything about the universe before the Big Bang. And the knowledge scientists depend on is only what they can observe of the universe, not from any divine source.
About the Author
José R. González is a Mexican American who was born and raised in a rural area in Starr County of South Texas. He received his master's degree in linguistics at California State University, San Diego in 1974. In 1977, he received a second master's degree from UCLA in Romance linguistics and Literature, specializing in Spanish, French and Italian. While studying at UCLA, he was a teaching associate from 1974 to 1980, teaching Spanish. He studied for his doctorate, completing the course work, ending up with an ABD (All But Dissertation) for the PhD in Romance linguistics and literature. He has always been intrigued by the mysteries of the universe. And what a head-scratchingly incredible universe it is! The more we learn about it, the more intriguing it becomes.
God Almighty!: A Sober-Minded View of Our Lot on Earth is a 62-page paperback with a retail price of $10.00. The ISBN is 978-1-6491-3089-1. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore at