Author and Marketing Guru, Mitchell Goozé Slated to Present Lean Marketing Approach at ANA Eastern Region Meeting.
February 10, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Santa Clara, California – February 10, 2006 – Acclaimed marketing and business guru Mitchell Goozé and author of the popular, The Secret to Selling More: It's Not Where You've Been Looking, If It Were, You'd Have Found It Already (IMI), will be presenting at the Association of National Advertising's Eastern Region Meeting on February 15th. The meeting will be held at Pfizer’s Headquarters: 235 East 42nd Street in New York.Well over 100 top business executives from major US companies will come and hear Mitch present his session "Lean Marketing – Increasing Your Returns, Lowering Your Budget".
Goozé's latest book, Value Acceleration: Building and Sustaining Your Only Competitive Advantage, co-authored with Ralph Mroz, a founder of the Kensington Group is due out in hardcover in early April. The book is already garnering extensive early buzz amongst industry watchers.
In Value Acceleration, the highly rated marketing strategist, Goozé shows top-level executives of leading edge companies how to leverage 20th century accomplishments into a 21st century competitive advantage. The book illustrates where the source of competitive advantage now lies, and how you can achieve it within your company.
Goozé is the president and founder of the Santa Clara, Calif.-based Customer Manufacturing Group. Mitch's ideas have helped thousands of senior executives gain a competitive advantage in their market through assessment and redesign of their System to Manufacture Customers.
Commenting on Value Acceleration, Steve August of KDA Research said, "I think the book is a bold and sensible reframing of marketing as an essential corporate function for competitive advantage."
Interested readers or early reviewers are encouraged to take a sneak peek at Value Acceleration by visiting the Web site -, as well as download an online only bonus chapter by hitting the link – .
About Customer Manufacturing Group, Inc.:
Additional information can be found at , or by contacting Mitch Goozé at – 408-496-4585.
For review copies of Value Acceleration – please contact Nettie Hartsock – or 512-396-1066.
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