Sex Offender Recidivism Reaches New Low
February 02, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, the state and federal Departments of Justice, Los Angeles County Probation, the California Department of Corrections, the federal department of Housing and Urban Development and the Los Angeles Police Department established a task force whose sole was to track 18,000 sex offenders. One year later reports indicate approximately 83 offenders were arrested making the recidivism rate less than 0.5 %. This is good news for Los Angeles County where reports of 70 % have been touted.The Federal Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice statistics maintains an informative web site. In-depth studies and years of follow-up concluded in a report that was last revised in 2003. That study concludes that the national recidivism rates for sex offenders during the 3 year period following release from prison is 5.3 %. Out of that number 3.3% were identified as child molesters while the remaining 2.0 % had been charged with another type of crime.
These are national averages. If your state is claiming higher than average rates, question their source of information or direct them to the BJS link. The first step in solving a problem is to use a valid source and educate yourself and those around you.
SOSEN (Sex Offender Support and Education Network) neither supports nor condones sex crimes. We support and educate people. Our belief is that by providing a strong support system we lessen the likelihood of recidivism. If you need help or would like to offer help, please join us. Those who share a common goal must band together to make this a safer, saner world.
Sources for this info are as follows:
S. Lowery
Asst. CEO