PlumbingSupply.US Earth Day 2006

February 01, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
The PlumbingSupply.US goal is to promote a healthy environment and a peaceful, sustainable world by spreading environmental awareness. We must continue our work to ensure that each new dawn, the sun shines through clear skies and upon clean waters and all our families enjoy the blessings of good health.

According to Mark Badger, Marketing Manager of PlumbingSupply.US, "Water is the biggest environmental issue we face in the 21st Century in terms of both quality & quantity. In the past 31 years since its passage, the 'Clean Water Act' has dramatically increased the number of waterways that are once again safe for fishing and swimming; despite this great progress in conserving water resources, we must still restore and protect our nation's waters for present and future generations." Efficient water use can have major environmental, public health, and economic benefits by helping improve water quality, maintain aquatic ecosystems, and protect drinking water resources. Efficient use of water through behavioral, operational or equipment changes, if practiced broadly can help mitigate the effects of drought. Efficiency measures can also save the homeowner money of water and sewage bills.

Ways to use less water

1. Don't let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth.
2. Take short showers instead of tub baths.
3. Keep drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until the water is cool.
4. Scrape, rather than rinse, dishes before loading into the dishwasher; wash only full loads.
5. Wash only full loads of laundry or use the appropriate water level or load size selection on the washing machine.
6. Buy high-efficient plumbing fixtures & appliances.
7. Repair all leaks (a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons a day).
8. Water the lawn or garden during the coolest part of the day (early morning is best).
9. Water plants differently according to what they need. Check with your local extension service or nurseries for advice.
10. Set sprinklers to water the lawn or garden only – not the street or sidewalk.
11. Use soaker hoses or trickle irrigation systems for trees and shrubs.
12. Keep your yard healthy - dethatch, use mulch, etc.
13. Sweep outside instead of using a hose.
14. Learn how to plant trees, build a pond, compost, and more from the Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (

PlumbingSupply.US maintains that homes with high-efficiency plumbing fixtures save about 30% of indoor water use and yield substantial savings on water, sewer, and energy bills. Consider repairing all leaks. Dripping faucets and leaky toilets can waste 200 gallons of water per day. PlumbingSupply.US offers an entire line of products and information to conserve water. . Earth Day 2006, belongs to the public. Americans are gearing up to plant trees, clean up their communities, launch waste reduction programs, stage displays, parades and workshops. Keep America Beautiful. Be Environment Friendly.
Today, on the 36th anniversary of the first Earth Day, the federal government is cleaning the air, promoting land conservation, and improving water quality.