CamomileQ Released the First Game-Diary "Hello Next!"
December 20, 2015 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
December 20, 2015 - Just broke up? Haven't seen your ex for a while but your heart is still broken with no one there to help you cope with the emotional pain? Alex, Roemon and Wen, your virtual life-coaches will help you re-start swiftly with proven emotional and social intelligence development techniques that work (EI). "Hello Next!Forget your Ex" is a game-diary app employing psychological methods of fighting emotional addiction. It helps strengthen your self-esteem and find a new partner.
The intuitive user-friendly app is designed by leading certified psychologists in the form of an interactive quest. Unlike conventional literature materials on the topic, the app's exciting and challenging activities are effective at maintaining the user's attention, making it impossible to set-aside and forget.
On a daily basis, throughout the three-week program, you will be exposed to an array of dynamic exercises aimed at developing your emotional and social intelligence. Rest assured, your hard work and perseverance will be duly rewarded with a series of prizes, in the form of vivid, entertaining and humorous animated movie skits!
Our convenient diary tool features automated emoji reminders, ensuring that the completion of your exercises and the keeping of your diary are joyful and convenient. Meanwhile, our three virtual life coaches are always standing by with words of encouragement, ready to offer support in times of sadness or solitude.
"Hello Next! Forget your ex" is available on the App Store now!