Dominica Employers Federation Partners with WIAL Caribbean
December 03, 2015 (PRLEAP.COM) Education News
December 3, 2015 - WIAL Caribbean introduced the breakthrough problem solving power of Action Learning to companies at a session organized by the Dominica Employers Federation (DEF).The small group of participants were drawn mainly from an enterprise that operates a large number of diverse companies as well as a string of franchises. Participants were amazed at how Action Learning kept them focused and productive to generate breakthrough solutions on a complex problem while at the same time developing their selected leadership skills. Most of them indicated how they would use what they had learnt on return to their respective companies and some inquired about avenues for learning more about Action Learning.
Verieux Mourillon, Executive Director of WIAL Caribbean, who led the session, first presented an overview of Action Learning which included its roots that date back over sixty years, the key components and a description of the process. Then the attendees participated in two live Action Learning groups that attempted to solve real-life organizational problems presented by two of the companies represented.
Action Learning had previously been used in Dominica at the National Bank of Dominica Limited (NBD) in 2009 when Verieux Mourillon, the then Executive Manager, HR & OD, introduced the process with the assistance of Dr Michael Marquardt. This work at NBD has been featured in two books and several articles. NBD has rekindled the use of Action learning in 2015 by seeking to certify its own internal Action Learning Coach through programs offered by WIAL Caribbean.
WIAL Caribbean will hold its next series of Action Learning Certification workshops in Barbados in February 2016.