Standards Plus Introduces No Cost Technology Components for 2015-2016
Watch this video to see how you can enhance student instruction using Standards Plus Technology Components.
May 05, 2015 (PRLEAP.COM) Education News
Rancho Cucamonga, CA, May 5, 2015 – Standards Plus, a non-profit organization focused on raising student achievement across the country, is proud to announce an all-new digital addition to its existing supplemental program. Currently, Common Core Standards Plus is a supplemental program for K-8 language arts and math that includes concise, teacher-led, daily lessons written directly to the Common Core Standards. The all-new technology components, which include web-based weekly assessments, web-based performance tasks, and reporting capabilities, promise to enhance instruction and assist schools with their digital transition. Access to the new technology components are available at no additional cost for the 2015-2016 school year with the purchase of Common Core Standards Plus. Standards Plus is excited to bring it's educational expertise to the new digital landscape. Dr. Joseph Deem, Chief Business Officer and Lead Researcher at Standards Plus, said, "Using technology components along with our teacher-led, daily lessons is ideal for teachers and students as it allows teachers to teach students the way they learn and assess them the way they are tested." Angela Turner, Executive Director of Client Solutions at Standards Plus, added, "Every school can benefit from the use of our technology components, whether they have five devices or five hundred." Printed versions of the weekly assessments and performance tasks are also included with Common Core Standards Plus, making it very flexible to implement.
For leading-edge schools and districts that are already 1:1 with devices, Standards Plus also offers an all-digital option for 2015-2016 with teacher-led, daily lessons, weekly assessments, performance tasks, and integrated projects all delivered online. While the entire program is digital, what makes it different from other online resources is the element of daily teacher-led instruction of the standards. JoJean Vicioso, Senior Director of Curriculum at Standards Plus said, "When we designed Common Core Standards Plus, we made sure to include the well-researched practice of Direct Instruction. Our detailed lesson plans allow both teachers and students to become immersed in standards-based instruction every day."
Standards Plus is a unique, non-profit organization that provides supplemental educational products and professional development services to schools and districts throughout the United States. Their products and the people who provide their professional services have helped to successfully raise student achievement in over 1,500 schools, in 20 states, affecting over one million students. Founded in 2001, it has grown to a very vibrant and exciting company driven by the increase in student achievement in schools and districts using their educational materials.
More information about Standards Plus and its products can be found at its website