Back Lord Wallington on Kickstarter to Create the Perfect Mens Shirt
The perfect shirt. Quality, Style, and Fit.
October 03, 2014 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
October 3, 2014 - Lord Wallington is hoping to raise $10,000 to help complete the development of the new shirt line, as well as help kickstart production on all product lines and help launch an aggressive marketing campaign to support the new activities. In return for the support from backers on Kickstarter, Lord Wallington is offering some of their best selling products from body care products to a custom tie wedding package."Up until now all of our products have been made one by one by hand in San Diego but with the expansion of product line and recent sales growth Lord Wallington is looking to go to the next level to streamline the manufacturing process." said Immanuel Ontiveros, Co-Founder of Lord Wallington. "Lord Wallington is determined to keep all production in the US so we are only talking to American manufacturers and mills who also have hand production capabilities. The quality of our products is immensely important to Lord Wallington, just as it's important to manufacture at home, in the States."
About Lord Wallington
Lord Wallington is a hand made in the USA menswear line that redefines accessories and tailored wardrobe staples. Lord Wallington is a US Navy Veteran owned business that started in 2011 with their first bow tie which quickly evolved into a mens lifestyle brand to include ties, pocket squares, body care products, and with the help of this Kickstarter campaign, Shirts.