Divine Smile Reaches Australia
December 23, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Politics News
Jill Divine’s Mexican Wave Of Smiles has reached Australia! Jill received a phone call from Mike Welsh of 2CC News and Talk radio in Canberra on Sunday evening 18th December, and was asked to do a live interview to tell listeners about the Mexican Wave of Smiles and how they could help to spread it. Mike said he would let Prime Minister John Howard know of her quest to help foster world peace with this wave of smiles and ask him to help spread the wave.The Mexican Wave of Smiles started on 15th December on The Happiness Show on cable television in New York and this show can now be viewed on their website www.thehappinessshow.com
More details about Jill Divine’s quest to help foster world peace with her smile and her book “Anjoy – God’s Gifts” can be seen on her website www.divinelady.co.uk
Jill ~Divine 18 The Pear Orchard, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England GL20 8RG
Tel: +44 01684 297690 Mobile: 0777 594 2443