announced its series on Premature Babies
October 01, 2013 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
KidsWorldMD understands that nothing can fully prepare parents for the emotional journey of caring for a premature baby. Many parents anxiously enroll in prenatal classes to increase their knowledge and preparation for the new baby. They ensure that their immunization schedule is up to date and take daily prenatal vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately these classes rarely if ever address complications to the mothers or babies. When these unexpected events occur parents are faced with emotional turmoil and has a special section on the newborn baby that addresses the high risk newborn. There are several articles that describe the neonatal intensive care units NICU, as well as common conditions and complications. Parents are usually encouraged to visit and interact with their babies in the NICU. The articles can give parents a general overview and increase their knowledge and confidence in participating in their baby's care.
Kids/ presents a special feature entitled when your baby comes early. This describes the neonatal team and the services provided by each. The team addresses physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the family. understands that it is every parent's dream of having a normal full term baby. In the past when babies were born before their expected date of delivery, their chance of survival was very small. However, with new technology and more specialized training and better health care together with the health awareness of the expectant parents, the premature baby has a good chance of not only surviving but having a good outcome.
Unfortunately, some premature babies will require specialized care, which may be temporary or lifelong depending on the age of gestation, the birth weight, the development or damage of organs, and the presence of other medical conditions. understands that education can reduce some of the fears associated with unfamiliar terms, procedures and caring for the premature baby. Taking take of a new baby is stressful and can be intimidating for even the most experienced parents. Taking care of a premature baby can be challenging, but with a good source of health information and the love and support of the family it can be very rewarding. is positioned to be a source of current, reliable health information.