Not just another product to do with Instagrams - Launching exclusive Reusable Stickers
With ReuseGram you can print personalized reusable stickers made with your instagram photos. Bring your Instagrams from your smartphone to your life.
May 21, 2013 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Reusegram is a new online shop ( where the users of instagram may upload the photos they like, by connecting directly to their instagram account. They can choose the desired size of the stickers (4 stickers of 74mm, 9 stickers of 48mm or 25 stickers of 27mm) and select the photos to turn into reusable stickers. There's only one price - $14,99 (Free shipping Worldwide). It's a simple, fast and intuitive purchasing process. Reusegram also can be used by users who do not have an instagram account. Just upload the photos directly from your PC.These innovative reusable stickers adhere to all smooth surfaces such as interior walls, closet doors, glass, mirrors, metal, tiles, plastic, PC's, mobile phones, fridges,… All of this without leaving any trace of glue and without damaging the surface or the sticker.
As instagramers we believe that our smartphone is not enough to share our favorite pictures. It's a shame when remarkable moments and creative experiences just stay on your Instagram feed. You'll probably never see them again. Now with ReuseGram you can bring it to your living room, to your office, to your car, to your life… your creativity is the limit!
About ZUG:
ReuseGram is part of ZUG, a startup dedicated to design.
We believe that design embellishes life and intensifies moments, so we stand that the design should be accessible
to everyone. Thus we pick images here and there to create emotive and inspiring pieces, we use the best materials
and sell them at reduced prices. This is the mission of our Life Design department.
In this sense, ZUG launched an innovative product: REUSABLE STICKERS, that you may stick and take off as
often as you want. With a line of children's illustrations, the walls come to life and at the same time mothers
decorate their children's room, the children play, learn and have fun with their favorite heroes.
Regarding the Brand Design, our attitude is another: aggressive, strategic and commercial. We stand for the
relevant design, which is based on consistent strategies and achieves specific goals.
About Instagram:
Instagram is an online photo-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures,
apply digital filters to them, and share in the Instagram network, as well as facebook, foursquare and tumblr. It
is recognizable by it's kodak instamatic and polaroid square format, in contrast to the 16:9 aspect ratio now
typically used by mobile device cameras. It was created in 2010 and bought by facebook in 2012, reaching 100
million users in february 2013.