The Truth Is Out Here!
November 13, 2004 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Leaving the establishment for pastures new the Scientology Freezone is, at the same time, returning to the original philosophy researched and developed by Ron Hubbard in his quest for the truth.The definition of the Scientology Freezone is 'an area free to practice ones chosen philosophy unencumbered by any stops or hinderences to doing so'. It is an area in which one is free to persue one's personal development up the spiritual ladder using the techniques Ron Hubbard designed for such a purpose, without any harassment , ethical abuse or threats to ones spiritual future.
Ron Hubbard said "…The work was free keep it so…" and the Freezone is delivering up on this promise!
"We are pioneering the freedom of Ron's Technology.", said Michael, the President of the International Freezone Association. "There are many people in the Freezone providing the activities necessary for people to advance up the spiritual ladder. This is no mean feat when you consider they are working with little support and money. The Freezone does not get any Tax Breaks.". He added.
Most of the services and facilities expensively obtained within the church are obtainable in the Freezone, usually with far more attention to the source materials as the International Freezone Association only promotes the 'Original' technology of Ron Hubbard rather than any 'latest' version offered by the Church. And it is available in the Freezone at a vastly reduced cost. "This applied philosophy should be available to the man in the street, not just the wealthy.", Michael commented. "As Ron himself said",
"I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way, and the wind sighs for songs across the empty fields of a planet a Galaxy away. You won't always be here. But before you go, whisper this to your sons and their sons: "THE WORK WAS FREE. KEEP IT SO."
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