Peak Medical Now Offers Acupuncture
February 07, 2013 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Peak Medical, a top multi-disciplined medical center serving a variety of total wellness needs, is proud to announce that it now has acupuncture services available. For patients needing acupuncture in NJ, Peak Medical's experienced practitioners have a lot to offer.Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that stimulates certain points in the skin. At Peak Medical, there are three main objectives for acupuncture: relieving pain and other symptoms, strengthening the immune system, and achieving balance. For many clients seeking pain relief, the alternative methodology of acupuncture is effective and far safer than standard anti-inflammatory drug or steroid treatments. Because of how fine and flexible acupuncture needles are, Peak Medical's acupuncture practitioners can perform the treatment on a patient with little or no discomfort.
In addition to the NJ acupuncture services, Peak Medical continues to offer a wide range of total body wellness services, including chiropractic, applied kinesiology, physical therapy, exercise, diet and nutritional services, and more. According to a spokesperson, "The philosophy at Peak Medical is to provide a caring, comprehensive, and diversified approach to restoring and maintaining good health." As one of the leading pain management clinics in NJ, Peak Medical continues to live their philosophy every day.