PALS Certification Continues to Make Strides

January 16, 2013 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
PALS, pediatric advanced life support, is a group of protocols and algorithms used in an effort to save an infant, child, or adolescent that is in a cardiac crisis or in respiratory arrest. PALS certification online is a method for completing the first aid class that allows convenience for the healthcare provider while still affording all aspects of the education process. is one online institution that offers the PALS online class. They also offer basic life support (BLS) certification online and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) certification online.

The PALS certification class starts with an online manual that goes over the current 2010 AHA guidelines. The PALS certification manual can be read online or it can also be printed for user convenience. The manual also includes points that have been highlighted to help the student know what aspects of the PALS online course are the most important to remember. The highlighted points permit each student to focus in on what points are important for them. Students that are already familiar with the PALS protocols can complete the course within one or two hours.

After the student completes the PALS certification class generates an electronic card that can be used as proof of completion for a school or for an employer. The student through their user account can access the electronic card. The electronic card is also sent via email to the students private email account. A hard copy version of the provider card is also sent by mail to the student's desired address. certification courses have been automated through a program that has been designed to eliminate any waiting by the student. Healthcare professionals are regularly looking for PALS certification online when time is of the essence. PALS online recertification is sometimes the only viable choice when previous PALS certification has expired. Fortunately online certification is recognizes the same as a live course by an instructor. allows students to finally have unlimited access to their provider card. The electronic card has been designed for easy double sided printing so there is no need to worry about lost or stolen cards. The student can create additional copies of the provider card by simply using their home printer.